I finally set up my blog through Google Feedburner, and I'm already impressed! And, quite frankly, shocked! :) I have a lot of subscribers and I didn't even know it. So, thanks for the info, Google Feedburner. And thanks to everyone out there who reads my blog. Comment more often...I like comments. Have a great Tuesday, everyone! And since I can't very well post something on the blog without a photo, here's another teaser from the Jenni pics about to get posted.

*No, I'm not getting paid to endorse it. :)
I absolutely love the Google Reader...it saves me a lot of time, which means I can read more blogs :)
Beautiful teaser shot by the way!
Oh what a great tip! I'll definitely check it out. This is probably a really silly question, but what is the difference between Google Reader and Feedburner though?
What a cute picture!! I need to get more sophistocated with my google reader...right now I only ever read Jezebel and it always has more than enough for me to read. But it does save time...
Anna Mae- Google Reader is a tool for you to gather up all the things you read in one location. No need to go to all those separate websites! Feedburner allows you to more specialize the way your feed is viewed by others for your own site. It also tracks how many people are reading it and from where, etc.
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