Michelle is a friend I met through our art classes together. We instantly hit it off and became quick friends and, later, college roomies. While she lives in Chicago now, I still adore her just as much as I did the day I met her. She's gorgeous, amazing, and hard working. Some days I wish I could have even half of her work ethic! :D Needless to say, I love the girl, and when she asked if I would be her DOC and photograph the girls at the salon, how could I say no?! The answer is, I couldn't. So, on to the pics! :)
Dunkin' Donuts and a big ol' Box o' Joe! How else can you get a morning started?
Maybe it's just me, but I love having my make-up done. They always do it way better than I could ever pretend to. And this girl was a magician!
Margaret is hilarious, obvs. She had extensions to die for. The hairdressers were drooling. So what's a wedding day 'do without a box of bobby pins?
Momma of the bride. She's gorgeous!
Details details. :) Did I mention I loved this salon? It was like a page out of an Ikea catalogue in a GREAT way.
Too gorgeous, right? The hairstylists had a grip on what it takes to make great curls last. It worked!
I already posted a teaser with one of the other little mannequins holding jewelry. They were just gorgeous. I almost spent a lot of money. :)
My dear Michelle is basically always on high stress, so it was great to see her relax! She deserved it and had a great day!
They had a great time decorating the salon before the girls had arrived. Confetti, streamers, and balloons - OH MY!
Another of my college roommates (I had 3 at the same time!), Ali, lookin' smokin' hot!
Here comes the bride!
And the favorite shot of all. Hands down. It's money...
Congratulations, Chris and Michelle! I'm so glad I got to be a part of this day. It was, hands down, the best wedding I had ever been able to attend. I wish you both the best that life has to offer, because you totally deserve it. Love you, both!
These are awesome! You are right, the wall colors and the lighting looks amazing, and the last shot is beautiful! Great Job!
These are really fantastic, Dawn. Congratulationson your awesome job!
I can see why you love the salon so much! It's so vibrant and has so much character!
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