In any case, she had three challenges for April: favorite free thing, favorite food, and favorite photo. I'm not gonna lie, favorite photo is an insane challenge, because I have a LOT of favorites. :) But I entered myself in favorite food and favorite photo and now you can see my choices!
I was going to enter a photo of a caprese pasta salad I created, but I can't seem to find the pictures I took last summer of it, and I only make it when I have fresh basil growing in my garden in the summer. So I chose my other favorite thing: banana chocolate chip cookies!!! Seriously, this is a creation straight from heaven above. I have friends that HATE bananas but LOVE this cookie. And I got asked by teachers in high school to bring them in because they were so beloved. :) Check. Them. Out.
Delicious? YES! If you want the recipe, I am willing to share. They are amazing. And use old bananas like banana bread. They turn out fluffy and moist and cake-like. I make them a lot. Way more than any person should. And I'm okay with that. :)
This is hard, so I'm picking my three favorites at the moment. Can't do that? PSH! Sure I can! :) Plus, it means you get to see more pictures! Good, right?
C, is GORGEOUS. It's seriously hard, nay, impossible!, to get a bad picture of her! Lucky me! This is one of my favorite photos EVER. PERIOD. The framing. The bright colors. Those eyes! And this is SOOC with just a little bit of contrast. Her eyes are truly that blue. It's INSANE! I'm truly jealous.
I know, I know. I posted this on the last post. But I want to take this image and make it a huge poster. Or a wrapped canvas. I love the angles SOOO much! The art degree in me cannot get enough of this image. :)

These three images cannot be picked between. They were all taken last summer in Montana. I fell so in love with Montana. We were in Gardiner where my brother guides rafts on the Yellowstone River for the summers. This was taken as we drove out of Yellowstone and the rainbows are what were behind us. Two of them. Brighter than I have ever seen a rainbow be. We could see the ends of both rainbows and the sky behind them was pitch black and raining. The clouds are what was ahead of us. Where the sun was coming through the clouds and the world was just glowing. It was a completely awestruck and inspiring moment. My whole family got out of the car and just stood there staring. No one knew what to say, so we just stood in silence admiring, but I knew I had to capture it on camera. Lucky me, again, eh?
So what do you think? What are your favorite foods? Photos? And if you give me your favorite foods, I want recipes! I love trying new foods!
My favorite foods? Photo? Girl, it's not the end of April just yet. When this challenge was released I thought I knew what I was going to post already, that I knew my favorite picture of the month already (you know it's gotta be about the month of April right?), but as the month passes I start to doubt if the picture I had in mind is it. So I need some more time. What I can tell you though is my favorite on your photo's, since you can only pick one, let me help you chose?! I think I'll go for the landscaping. I love the story behind it, and it is Breath taking. It really does make you stand still and think...
The not taken in April photos are the Montana ones but I feel like they're appropriate to April. :)
I love all of the shots! The rainbows are beautiful. And those eyes!!
Please share the recipe if it's not too inconvenient! Those sound amazing!
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